7 Ways Fax to Email will Benefit Your Business.

Are you still using a fax machine at your office? Are you sick of the frequent maintenance issues and constant ink refills? Do you feel guilty about wasting paper on printing messages you don’t even need?

While fax machines can be sometimes considered outdated, ditching them completely would remove this mode of communication from your business.

According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), while mail is the preferred mode of dispatch for self-completed forms, there are circumstances in which the use of fax are still needed.

That’s why switching to fax to email digital service provides the best solution for your business that allows you to still receive fax messages while eliminating the unwanted hassle.

Read further to learn more about how you can turn your faxes into emails and how this service will benefit your business.

What Is Fax to Email Service?

While in the past, fax machines have been an easy and quick way of sending messages, today, with emails and advanced telephone systems, digital communication is preferred.

Fax to mail service allows you to get rid of the old fax rolls and receive messages directly in your email inbox as PDF attachments. You can then print out the ones you need and store the rest conveniently on your disk or cloud.

How Does Fax To Email Work?

To turn the faxes into digital emails, all you need to do is allocate your fax to an email profile in your account.

Then, all the faxes received by this number will be converted to PDF files, which will then be automatically sent to your configured email address.

This gives you the freedom to sort out the received faxes in a digital format and print only those you need, rather than having to go through all the paper messages, as is the case with fax machines.

7 Benefits of Fax to Email Service

Now that you know how fax to email service works, let’s have a look at the benefits that going digital will provide for your business.

Convert Fax to Email

Now that you know how the fax to mail service works and how it will benefit your business, it’s time to get rid of the old fax machine and receive all the messages instantly in your inbox.

If you want to take the step towards sustainability, be more cost-effective, improve the connectivity and productivity of your team, contact us today for a free consultation and will help you get the process started.